ARP is highly competent in program/project design at all levels across different sectors. ARP, provides a full range of design services, including:
- Drafting concept notes and writing proposals
- Undertaking scoping studies
- Undertaking feasibility studies
- Constructing logical frameworks, including the identification of objectives, expected results, activities, verifiable indicators and risk assessments
- Undertaking stakeholder and social assessments
- Conducting institutional assessments, including analysis of institutional context, public, private and community sector interfaces and capacity building requirements
- Human resource assessments, including training needs analyses and skills audits
Our design specialists are proficient in the preparation of well-structured project proposals that meet client needs. We are known for the high quality and innovative nature of our implementation plans and the contractual mechanisms that underpin them. We also run a number ‘design and implement’ programmes, in which we are responsible for designing the programmes which we implement ourselves.
Preparing business cases for programme funding, involving financial and economic assessments, costing, cost benefit and value for money analysis, social impact analysis and gender and environmental impact analysis, assessment of vulnerability to external changes, consideration of inputs required and linkages to other programmes in the sector.